Nipple-areola complex dermapigmentation

Nipple-areola complex dermapigmentation of the breast in cases of a necessity for correcting post-surgical scars, aesthetic improvement of the appearance of areolas, restoring their shape and symmetry, the camouflage of scars and stretch marks, and creating the visual three-dimensionality of skin.

Often the beauty of the breasts is not only in their shape or size. The appearance and condition of the nipple, the size, and color of the areola are visually important. Different deformations of the mammary gland and its individual parts – both congenital and acquired – become a real problem, which, fortunately, can now be solved without surgery. This non-surgical option is the dermapigmentation procedure of the nipple-areola complex, which is carried out by specialists at the AR Aesthetics Centre.

In an effort to support the global fight against breast cancer, the AR Aesthetics Centre provides a nipple-areola complex dermapigmentation procedure to women who have undergone various types of mastectomy and want to restore the aesthetics of their breasts free of charge. More detailed information upon the patient’s self-reference to the centre.

Don’t simply content yourself with how your breasts look like. We can give them the look you desire.
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When is the procedure necessary?
  • For eliminating irregularities in the pigment layer of the areola due to vitiligo or other diseases.
  • For correcting imperfections in the contours of the areola or nipple.
  • For areola reconstruction after mastectomy.
  • For improving the appearance of the breasts after a surgical operation.
  • For masking scars and glands around the areola.
  • For correcting the fading of the natural color of areolas.
  • For restoring the beauty of breasts after lactation.
  • For eliminating asymmetry between the right and left nipples.
  • For changing the size of areolas.
  • For concealing scars after breast augmentation procedures.
  • For the reconstruction of mammary gland areolas.
  • Safe and painless, a topical anesthetic is used.
  • Absolute sterility and minimal penetration into the body (not another operation or a complex procedure that introduces new stress for the body).
  • The final result is optimally natural, as the pigment is selected to match your skin tone from special camouflaging shades.
  • The rehabilitation is swift and easy – the full healing process takes from 7 to 10 days.
  • Lasting results – for 1 year and longer (depending on the individual characteristics of the body).

We want to support the world fight against cancer and are willing to help women who have been treated after mastectomy and want to restore the aesthetics of the breast after its removal for free.

Examples of procedure
Stages of the procedure


  • 1. stage

    A free pre-procedure consultation to assess the condition of the nipple-areola complex (ideally – in person, possible – correspondence by photo, via phone messengers or social networks).

  • 2. stage

    Individual selection of medical pigment to match the skin of a specific patient.

  • 3. stage

    Anaesthesia of the treated area (local anaesthetic cream).

  • 4. stage

    Getting to work on procedure.

  • 5. stage

    Post-procedure aftercare.

Your new areola could last a year or longer. The sooner you come, the sooner you can enjoy the results. Book this treatment now
How to prepare for the procedure?

There is a number of recommendations before the procedure, which must be completed for its optimal implementation and quality result afterwards.

  • 10 days before the procedure, refrain from taking blood-thinning (aspirin, etc.) and vasoconstrictor drugs.
  • For two weeks before and after the procedure, antibiotics should not be taken, otherwise the body will reject the pigment.
  • 10 days before the procedure, refrain from sunbathing and indoor tanning (if you have a bright intense sunburn, you will only be able to schedule an appointment after your skin returns to its natural shade, which will allow the specialist to select the correct pigment tone).
  • Do not consume alcohol 24 hours before the procedure, as well as stimulating drinks (coffee, strong tea, caffeinated products, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, energy drinks), refrain from using skincare products, eyebrow growth serums, and do not consume heavy, spicy food. All these factors contribute to the thinning of blood, which can lead to lymph secretion, difficulties for the specialist and complications during healing.
  • Do not smoke 2 hours before the procedure.

Absolute contraindications

  1. Subfebrile and high temperature.
  2. A period of exacerbation of any illness.
  3. Blood disorders: Von Willebrand disease, haemophilia, hypertension.
  4. Predisposition towards keloid scars.
  5. Oncological diseases.
  6. ARI, URTI, acute inflammatory diseases, initial stages of the common cold.
  7. Epilepsy.
  8. Asthma.
  9. Hepatitis, HIV, AIDS.
  10. The presence of unknown neoplasms, especially in the areas where the procedure will be conducted.
  11. Mental disorders.
  12. Surgical operations, plastic surgery and subcutaneous infiltration in the period of stabilisation (1-6 months).
  13. Chemo/radio therapy.

Relative contraindications:

  1. Allergy and hypersensitivity to components of the pigment.
  2. Dermatitis, acute pyoderma and psoriasis in the areas where the procedure will be conducted.
  3. Weakened immunity, rehabilitation period after surgical and cosmetic operations.
  4. Consumption of corticosteroids, strong antibiotics, anticoagulants, retinoids (possible scarring, delayed healing), vitamins and dietary supplements, alcohol.
  5. Pregnancy and lactation period (first 4 months). It is not recommended to undergo permanent makeup procedures in the first trimester. In the second and third trimesters and the lactation period, the procedure may be conducted only with the permission of a doctor in the case that the client will easily tolerate the procedure (as in no pain-relieving medication will be needed).



The quality of the areola permanent makeup is 50% dependent on competent post procedural care with the help of recommended medications and hygiene rules.

After applying the areola makeup, hyperaemia and minor swelling may persist for 1-2 days, enhanced colour intensity in the affected area for 7-10 days, then the area becomes lighter and optimally close to the desired colour that was originally selected using the pigment.

  • After the procedure, the skin must be treated with special preparation
  • For 7-10 days, do not sunbathe and do not use makeup in the affected area.
  • Do not take long baths, steam baths, including the sauna and pool, for at least two weeks after the procedure.
  • More information is available in the “Pamphlet on aftercare for micropigmentation procedures”, which the client receives along with other documentation prior to the procedure.

To achieve the required quality and greater durability of the dermapigmentation, 1-2 additional correction procedures should be carried out with recommended intervals of 1-3 months. The procedure is considered incomplete without correction.