Permanent makeup removal

There are multiple reasons for why one would choose to get a permanent makeup removal. High-quality permanent make-up (tattoo) eventually completely disappears from the upper layers of the skin as its pigments are processed by the human body. At the same time, the pigment breakdown time is strictly individual and depends on such characteristics of the body as the cellular metabolic rate and its reactions to foreign substances in general.

The tattoo can be executed poorly (ugly, disliked by the client), may become outmoded or, as is often the case with some pigments, become a different shade. No one wants to walk around with blue or reddish eyebrows, or a greenish mouth. It is not necessary to give other examples of the “joys” of the consequences of low-quality permanent makeup. That is where cosmetic tattoo removal comes in.

All these problems can be solved. The pigment brightening technique is based on the principle of “like attracts to like”. The emulsion is introduced into the upper layers of the skin to the level where the pigment is located. There, it reacts with the dye and mixes with it. The composition is rejected by the body and pushed to the surface. There are weak and strong varieties of it, each of which is suitable in a particular situation.

This method of removal does not guarantee a quick and 100% result.

The method has its indications and limitations in use, which depend on the area of influence, the initial problem, the characteristics of the body and lifestyle.

The use of any of the removal methods or their combination is a multi-stage and extended process in time, where the interval between procedures cannot be less than 1.5-2 months.

It is possible to predict the number of procedures only with a fraction of the probability, focusing on the average statistical experience. In each case, it may be necessary to increase visits. It depends on many factors, such as prescription, localization, depth, and density of the pigment, its composition, the intensity of application to the skin, the individual characteristics of the body.

The complete regeneration process, when the skin comes to a healthy state, is 2 – 3 months after the removal of permanent makeup.

Additional removal procedures are carried out no earlier than 1.5 – 2 months after the previous session for an additional fee according to the current price list. 

In a short time, your skin can glow once more. We’re here to fix things up. Get rid of permanent makeup now
When is the procedure necessary?
  • For the low-quality eyeliner tattoo removal, semi permanent makeup removal, as well as semi permanent eyebrow removal.
  • For the removal of remnants of permanent makeup, including faded permanent makeup or one that has become a different shade.
  • For the removal of remnants of an old tattoo in the case of a new procedure in the area where there are still traces of the old permanent makeup.
  • The removal of pigments of any colour without restrictions.
  • Safety and the lack of allergic reactions.
  • The speed of the procedure – the average duration is 60 minutes.
  • Painless.
  • You can remove both an already healed tattoo or permanent makeup, and a part directly during the application procedure.
Examples of past work
Stages of the procedure


  • 1. stage

    A pre-procedure consultation.

  • 2. stage

    The necessary paperwork is completed

  • 3. stage

    The area that requires treatment is determined

  • 4. stage

    Skin is treated with an antiseptic, cleaned and stripped of oils

  • 5. stage

    The anaesthetic is applied

  • 6. stage

    Getting to work on the procedure

  • 7. stage

    Aftercare recommendations

Don’t walk around with a botched makeup! We’ll help your skin become normal again!
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How to prepare for the procedure?

There is a number of recommendations before a permanent makeup removal, permanent eyebrow tattoo removal or any other of our removal procedures. These recommendations must be completed for its optimal implementation and quality result afterwards.

  • 10 days before the procedure, refrain from taking blood-thinning (aspirin, etc.) and vasoconstrictor drugs.
  • For two weeks before and after the procedure, antibiotics should not be taken.
  • Do not consume alcohol 24 hours before the procedure, as well as stimulating drinks (coffee, strong tea, caffeinated products, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, energy drinks), refrain from using skincare products and do not consume heavy, spicy food. All these factors contribute to the thinning of blood, which can lead to lymph secretion, difficulties for the specialist and complications during healing.
  • Do not smoke 2 hours before the procedure.

Absolute contraindications

  1. Subfebrile and high temperature.
  2. A period of exacerbation of any illness.
  3. Blood disorders: Von Willebrand disease, haemophilia, hypertension.
  4. Predisposition towards keloid scars.
  5. Oncological diseases.
  6. ARI, URTI, acute inflammatory diseases, initial stages of the common cold.
  7. Epilepsy.
  8. Asthma.
  9. Hepatitis, HIV, AIDS.
  10. The presence of unknown neoplasms, especially in the areas where the procedure will be conducted.
  11. Mental disorders.
  12. Surgical operations, plastic surgery and subcutaneous infiltration in the period of stabilisation (1-6 months).
  13. Chemo/radio therapy.

Relative contraindications

  1. Allergy and hypersensitivity to components of the pigment.
  2. Recurrent herpes (in a stage of exacerbation).
  3. Dermatitis, acute pyoderma, and psoriasis in the areas where the procedure will be conducted.
  4. Weakened immunity, rehabilitation period after surgical and cosmetic operations.
  5. Consumption of corticosteroids, strong antibiotics, anticoagulants, retinoids (possible scarring, delayed healing), vitamins and dietary supplements, alcohol.
  6. Pregnancy and lactation period (first 4 months). It is not recommended to undergo permanent makeup procedures in the first trimester. In the second and third trimesters and the lactation period, the procedure may be conducted only with the permission of a doctor in the case that the client will easily tolerate the procedure (as in no pain-relieving medication will be needed).



The quality of the final result after one of our permanent makeup removal solutions is 50% dependent on competent post-procedural care with the help of recommended medications and hygiene rules. To ensure against negative consequences and accelerate recovery, you must follow the basic aftercare rules:

  • Avoid all contact with water for the first 24 hours after the procedure. Then, short-term exposure to water is permitted, but without a jet of water coming into direct contact with the affected area. After that, you must blot the area with cotton material and allow it to air dry.
  • The scab that forms after the procedure cannot get wet (avoid going to the pool, sauna, and other extended contacts with water), cannot be touched, peeled or itched until it sheds naturally on its own. This will occur after one or two weeks following the procedure.
  • The affected area will assume its fully healed appearance only after 1.5-2 months after the first procedure, after which point, if necessary, a next procedure can be conducted.

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