Aesthetic Camouflage of Dark Circles under Eyes

Dark circles under eyes is a problem faced by every other woman and many men. Constant stress, chronic lack of sleep or fatigue, and often the physiological characteristics of the body can lead to this condition, which our aesthetic camouflage of dark circles under eyes tries to remedy. A permanent fixture in one’s life from birth, blood vessels located close to the surface of the skin, thin skin of the lower eyelid – these are just some of the causes of dark circles under eyes. Coping with this problem is extremely difficult – you either apply foundation on a daily basis or just come to terms with it.

Cosmetic tattoos for dark under eye circles can be a fast and sometimes the only solution to this problem.

The periorbital region of the lower and upper eyelids is brightened using aesthetic skin dermapigmentation. The procedure consists of a very light layer-by-layer application (spraying) of a special camouflage pigment on the eyelid area. Thanks to a special series of pigments that have been developed specifically for this procedure and have a reflective effect, the end result surpasses even the most daring expectations: the area around the eyes shines with freshness and health and there are no shades of grey. The pigment is selected as close as possible to the skin tone, and a light mist of the correcting substance does not allow the blood vessels to be visible through the skin. The dark circles under eyes become invisible.

Camouflage is applied as a light veil, so the skin can be in the sun and acquire a natural tan that will not differ from the rest of the tanned face.

The procedure is ideally conducted during a period when the sun is less active.

Get rid of that tired, exhausted look. Aesthetic camouflage of dark circles will make you feel young again! Rid me of dark circles
When is the procedure necessary?
  • For removing chronically dark circles under eyes.
  • For removing dark circles under eyes, which arose due to age-related or objective changes in the body, and can be eliminated only with the help of cosmetic correction.
  • For eliminating the need for the regular use of corrective makeup like concealer or foundation in the eye area that accelerate premature aging and affect the skin on a daily basis.
  • Dark circles disappear completely, the face acquires a fresh and rested appearance with a glow from within. The effects are present 24 hours a day 365 days a year regardless of the time and place.
  • No need for concealers and foundations.
  • No need for undergoing complex cosmetic procedures to remove dark circles under eyes (apparatus cosmetology, lifts, plasma therapy, peels, etc.).
  • Permanent makeup for dark circles is painless (a local anaesthetic – a special cream – is used).
  • The procedure is safe and quick
  • The procedure lasts 1.5 hours.
  • The duration of the effects after the procedure – from1 to 3 years (depending on the individual characteristics of the body).
Examples of past work
Stages of the procedure


  • 1. stage

    A free pre-procedure consultation to assess the condition of camouflage zone (ideally – in person, possible – correspondence by photo, via phone messengers or social networks).

  • 2. stage

    Individual selection of medical pigment to match the skin of a specific patient.

  • 3. stage

    Anaesthesia of the treated area.

  • 4. stage

    Getting to work on the procedure.

  • 5. stage

    Post-procedure aftercare.

Aesthetic camouflage can last a year or even more! The quicker you sign up, the sooner you’ll look fabulous! Beautify me
How to prepare for the procedure?

There is a number of recommendations before a dark circles under eyes camouflage procedure, which must be completed for its optimal implementation and quality result afterwards.

  • 10 days before the procedure, refrain from taking blood-thinning (aspirin, etc.) and vasoconstrictor drugs.
  • For two weeks before and after the procedure, antibiotics should not be taken, otherwise the body will reject the pigment.
  • 10 days before the procedure, refrain from sunbathing and indoor tanning (if you have a bright intense sunburn, you will only be able to schedule an appointment after your skin returns to its natural shade, which will allow the professional to select the correct pigment tone).
  • Do not consume alcohol 24 hours before the procedure, as well as stimulating drinks (coffee, strong tea, caffeinated products, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, energy drinks) and heavy, spicy food. All these factors contribute to the thinning of blood, which can lead to lymph secretion, difficulties for the professional and complications during healing.
  • Do not smoke 2 hours before the procedure.

Absolute contraindications

  1. Subfebrile and high temperature.
  2. A period of exacerbation of any illness.
  3. Blood disorders: Von Willebrand disease, haemophilia, hypertension.
  4. Predisposition towards keloid scars.
  5. Oncological diseases.
  6. ARI, URTI, acute inflammatory diseases, initial stages of the common cold.
  7. Epilepsy.
  8. Asthma.
  9. Hepatitis, HIV, AIDS.
  10. The presence of unknown neoplasms, especially in the areas where the procedure will be conducted.
  11. Mental disorders.
  12. Surgical operations, plastic surgery and subcutaneous infiltration in the period of stabilisation (1-6 months).
  13. Chemo/radio therapy.
  14. Injections in the forehead and brow areas (minimum 2-3 weeks).
  15. Chemical peel (minimum 28 days must pass after the peel).

Relative contraindications:

  1. Allergy and hypersensitivity to components of the pigment.
  2. Recurrent herpes (in a stage of exacerbation).
  3. Dermatitis, acute pyoderma, and psoriasis in the areas where the procedure will be conducted.
  4. Weakened immunity, rehabilitation period after surgical and cosmetic operations.
  5. Consumption of corticosteroids, strong antibiotics, anticoagulants, retinoids (possible scarring, delayed healing), vitamins and dietary supplements, alcohol.
  6. Pregnancy and lactation period (first 4 months). It is not recommended to undergo permanent makeup procedures in the first trimester. In the second and third trimesters and the lactation period, the procedure may be conducted only with the permission of a doctor in the case that the client will easily tolerate the procedure (as in no pain-relieving medication will be needed).



The quality of the final result after the procedure is 50% dependent on competent post-procedural care with the help of recommended medications and hygiene rules.

There is practically no rehabilitation period after the procedure. It is immediately possible to continue being socially active.

  • During the first 12 hours after the procedure, there may be a small swelling and redness on the skin depending on the individual reaction of the body but the next day all these effects disappear without a trace. The final result cannot be seen earlier than in 2-3 weeks when the skin is fully restored.
  • Within 2-3 weeks after the procedure, it is recommended to avoid direct exposure to ultraviolet rays and thermal procedures (saunas, long baths, etc.).
  • Do not apply makeup to the treated area for 7 days.
  • More information is available in the “Pamphlet on aftercare for micropigmentation procedures”, which the client receives along with other documentation prior to the procedure.

For achieving the necessary quality and durability of the dermapigmentation at least 1 additional correction procedure is necessary with a recommended interval of 1-3 months. The procedure is considered incomplete without correction.

Dark circles become invisible, and the face takes on a fresh and rested appearance, seems to glow from the inside. The result will please you, and most importantly, you will forget about concealers and masking means.

The rehabilitation period for a permanent makeup under eyes is practically absent. Immediately after the procedure, you can continue social activity. During the first couple of hours after the procedure, a slight swelling or redness may persist, but the very next day you can go out. The result after the procedure can be seen no earlier than 4 weeks later, when the skin is completely restored. Within 2 weeks, it is recommended to avoid direct exposure to ultraviolet rays and steaming procedures (baths, saunas, etc.).